"Old Six" and Peak signed a multi-year contract

"Old Six" and Peak signed a multi-year contract


According to reporter Nick DePaula, "old six 老六" Alvarado signed a multi-year sneaker contract with Peak! Alvarado will become the spokesperson of Peak's Attitude series sneakers.

On January 25, 2023, in the game between the Pelicans and the Nuggets, the "old six 老六" put on the Peak DH3.

"老六" is a popular online term in China recently.
Word origin: In ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ CSGO games, there are only five players on each side in competitive mode. "Old Six 老六" is the number "6" and is the sixth person. But the sixth person doesn't really exist. Used to refer to a free person among five people. Or players who play very badly (old six 老六).

The first type of free man refers to a person who must survive regardless of the life and death of his teammates.
The second kind of free man refers to a person with unique ideas.

The reason why Alvarado is called "Old Six 老六" is because he often steals the bottom line in the NBA, making it difficult for opponents to defend. In the game against the Eagles some time ago, when the Eagles sent the baseline ball, Alvarado was in ambush in the left corner, behind Trae Young. When Hurt serves, he sneaks up behind him. Like turning into a beast, grab the ball and score directly.

And Alvarado has done it more than once, against the Bulls, behind Caruso. And against the Trail Blazers, he did the same. Tried and tested, it is clear that Alvarado is the second type of free man. So there is the title of "Old Six 老六".


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